Friday, June 26, 2009 to paris

ugh i JUST finished packing.. 2:43 am. 

i'm officially taking two suitcases (one weighing 45.5 lbs the other weighing 35 lbs), a back pack, and a large tote. i'm gonna be gone for 6 weeks.. don't judge! 

my itinerary for tomorrow:
8:30am-wake up
9:45am-leave for Austin airport
11:45am-depart from Austin
????pm-arrive at Washington-Dulles
????pm-depart Dulles
7:30pm-arrive New York JFK
9:30pm-depart JFK
11:00am, 27 Juin 2009-arriver à Paris! 

wish me luck for traveling! two connecting flights. noooo fun. the next time you hear from me i'll be in Paris! 


  1. what a flight schedule!
    i'm super jealous of you and i hope the fun begins the moment you step into the airport!
