Tuesday, August 4, 2009

the way i see it


                                                                              my brother was kind enough to share this link with me, today, via facebook. it's an article in the new york times about the general museum crowd, and how no one actually takes the time to stop and look at the art anymore. too busy snapping pictures of pictures... 

it's worth reading if you have the time. if you've kept up with my blog, you'll know that i haven't taken any pictures of my own on my digital camera--and it's for the exact reasons mentioned in the article. i suppose that this blog is sort of like my way of having a  sketch book. my way of remembering what I actually experienced... without loosing some of the experience through the lens of a camera. so there.

all photos on this blog have been stolen from the google... credit given. 

1 comment:

  1. I also read that article and have to agree. I have a link for you that really relates. This cover struck me a few years ago and i've never forgotten it.


    Museums completely lose their purpose when people just remember the image and not the experience of being there with the real thing.
    Granted, I always take TONS of pics when I travel but I make sure to experience the thing without the camera before taking a pic. And sometimes I even deliberately leave the camera at home.
